My November/December Goals
You may have wondered why I have neglected my blog for such a long time, my last post was in August (oops), but I have just finished my four year university degree, and I'm feeling pretty darn happy and so fresh, now that its all done and dusted. And with all this free time on my hands, I have really been thinking about what I would love to work towards in the remaining months of 2017. Goal setting does not just have to wait until New Years; I am a big lover of lists and goal setting, it keeps me focused and I love to have something to try and work towards.
Since August, I have been scheduling in a workout at least 4 to 5 times a week and I've been loving all the extra energy I've had, and how amazing I feel after I have completed a workout. While I have been maintaining my continuous exercise every week, I have been on and off with my eating. While I am usually quite good with my healthy eating, I have a week everyone and again where I fall off the clean eating bandwagon. I would love to try and make healthy eating more of a habit, and with that being said, I'm trying to find new yummy healthy recipes too!
Now that I have so much more time on my hands as my uni degree is finished, I'm trying to make more time to read a lot more. It helps to take my mind of things, especially before going to sleep - I am such an over thinker , and I find it so enjoyable to immerse myself in another world thats completely different to my own. At the moment I am currently reading The Dress Maker by Rosalie Ham, and I am loving it! And such a great change from reading uni textbooks!! I would love to know if your have any recommendations for me to add to my reading list!
I am the complete worst at drinking water, especially drinking the recommended 8 glasses a day! If at most I might have 3 or four glasses of water a day. And when I do make the effort to drink a lot of water, I wonder why I don't do it all the time; my skin feels and looks amazing and I have so much more energy. I have bought myself a 1 Litre water bottle, and have set my self the challenge to drink two full bottles a day, and so far I'm going quite well, though sometimes it is a struggle and may or may not end up drinking the remaining litre at night before I go to bed...I'm working on it!
So often my phone is with me all the time! I've become so conscious of it lately, and have begun to make the effort to put my phone down when watching a film with my boyfriend or sitting in the passenger seat of the car, while Brandon is driving us somewhere. I found myself getting annoyed with him when he was on his phone when I wanted to talk to him when I was driving, and realised that I was the exact same, so I have tried to be more conscious of the time spent on my phone, not only to spend quality time with the ones I love, but just to have a break from social media, because sometime's it all just gets a bit much!